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    Five Month Book Launch Plan

    Having a line-up of interviews and reviews surrounding your book launch is the dream of most writers. But how does one plan for that?

    Take stock and gain clarity in your marketing

    By |June 18th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , |

    If we want to get heard on the Internet, we have to be busy saying things. Right? Wrong. Good marketing comes from a good plan, which starts with an audit. Take the time to take stock and you'll gain clarity for the next step in your marketing. #marketing #marketingplan #authorplatform

    5 benefits to marketing before your book launch

    By |June 11th, 2019|Tags: , , |

    You got into writing to write, not sell. You spent all your energy crafting a beautiful story. There was no time for marketing. But ignoring marketing, or waiting until your book launch will leave you disappointed. Start marketing early and you'll gain strong relationships and find what works before it's too late. #bookmarketing #authorplatform #booklaunch #bookpromotion #writerplatform

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