Sarah Sambles

I’m a branding coach who’ll help you nail your message

I’m a branding coach who’ll help you nail your message

Will a branding coach really help?

Listen to the transformation my client experienced once she got some brand coaching to nail her brand story.

Brand coaching to get your brand story clear so your audience pays attention

Ever find yourself stumbling when someone asks what you do? You know what you do, but when you try to summarize it you find yourself fumbling, going round in circles. Even your best friend looks confused when you test your elevator pitch on them.

You’ve spent 1000s of dollars and countless hours on online courses. You’ve bought the best books, but you struggle to find your voice. You try a new tagline, you experiment with email subject lines, but nothing sticks. Your business isn’t growing.

You feel overwhelmed and muddled. Maybe you should just give up.

Do you have anything of value to offer anyway?

You do. It’s called your brand story … and when it’s clear your audience listens.

I’m a branding coach who helps impact-driven entrepreneurs get to the heart of their brand story with language their customers speak.

What do you need?

Kind words…

Listen to the transformation Colt experienced after working with me as his branding coach

Trade hesitation for confidence

“I’m not sure what to say.” I know how you feel. Because I’ve been there, and because this is what every client tells me. Want to know why? Because it’s HARD distilling your brand story to its essence. It’s a complex, personal process.

But there is hope.


Imagine the transformation if you had …

a compelling elevator pitch

clarity on the unique value you offer

words that resonate with your audience

Your customer is the key to your brand story

Before you write another social media post, take a step back and ask if your brand story is clear. Because if you’re not clear on what you do, your audience won’t be either. And a confused customer doesn’t click the buy button.

You need to shift your mindset and start thinking about your customer first. You need to dig deep into what they’re crying out for. Then, and only then, do you look at what motivates you, to connect your vision with your customer’s world. The last step is understanding what words to use to take your customers on an emotional journey towards transformation.


Sarah’s an excellent coach who both pushes you and supports you.

Brian Dixon, Entrepreneur, coach, author, speaker

Why trust me as your branding coach?

Good question.

One, because I’ve done this for 20+ years, with numerous clients, over and over again. Clients come to me wanting a new website, a launch plan, jacket copy, but the first challenge we stumble across is nailing down what they’re really about.

Two, because I’ve been there. I run my own business as a writer and coach. Even though I’ve done marketing school, I know what it’s like to go round in circles with your brand story, trying to put your finger on what makes you different and why someone should pick you. I’m an empathetic listener and a strategic thinker so I’ll help you figure out what your audience needs and how your unique spark will resonate with them.


Sarah was professional, responsive, and created a great media kit for me. She took the time to understand my needs, exceeding expectations. We did a few drafts of the project and she was always very receptive and communicative. I couldn’t be happier with her copywriting services and the unexpected bonus of some valuable bigger picture marketing advice!

Mary Kole, Editor, author

As featured in…

Sarah Sambles on The Creator's MBA with Dr Destini Copp
Behind the Scenes of a Website Copy Overhaul
The Robyn Graham Show - Personal branding, business, and life strategies for success
You Need TIME to Create a Brand Story
Purpose and Progress with Ashlee Sang - Where values spark action
Speaking Your Clients’ Language
Short n Sweet with Mayly Tao
Cracking the Code of Branding
Blaze podcast with Megan Smyth
Embracing Rejection & Creating Your Own Mastermind
Group Coach Nation with Chris Williams
Crafting a Clear, Impactful Pitch



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