Don’t leave your marketing to the last minute
There's no shortage of ideas for marketing your book. What you'll be short on is time. Don't leave marketing to the last minute. Follow these tips instead. #marketing #booklaunch #authorplatform
There's no shortage of ideas for marketing your book. What you'll be short on is time. Don't leave marketing to the last minute. Follow these tips instead. #marketing #booklaunch #authorplatform
One of the most important pages on an author's website is the book page, but the options can be overwhelming. Here are 9 elements to take your book page from OK to great.
You got into writing to write, not sell. You spent all your energy crafting a beautiful story. There was no time for marketing. But ignoring marketing, or waiting until your book launch will leave you disappointed. Start marketing early and you'll gain strong relationships and find what works before it's too late. #bookmarketing #authorplatform #booklaunch #bookpromotion #writerplatform
Having a line-up of interviews and reviews surrounding your book [...]
Interview with Marie-Claire Thauvette, author of Honeymoon Playbook Marie-Claire Thauvette [...]